What comes to mind when you see the word “Courageous”? by LaToya Edwards

What comes to mind when you see the word “Courageous”? by LaToya Edwards

Published Sep 10, 2021

What comes to mind when you see the word “courageous”?

I asked this question a few weeks ago on Facebook and the responses were amazing. Here’s what some ladies shared:

“Standing in faith and not backing down.”

“Facing your fears.”

“Doing something beyond what I think I can do and relying on God.”

“Showing up, even though you may be afraid.”

I was so encouraged as I read through the responses. There are some AMAZING faith-filled women in this community.

As I read through those responses, one person from the Bible came to mind over and over again …. David!

Not King David the mighty warrior that ruled over a united kingdom. I kept thinking of David, the shepherd boy. The one that was almost overlooked by Samuel when God sent him to anoint the next king.

This is the David that I relate to the most. Just going about his everyday life when one day he seize an opportunity to show some folk just how awesome God is.

We’re going to take a look at this David (1 Samuel 17) for the next few weeks. I’m super excited to share some principles that I’ve learned from studying this passage of scripture. And I love that after 3 decades of reading this familiar passage that God is still teaching me new things.

When David decided to take on Goliath he needed to be fearless. I mean can you put yourself into scripture for a moment. This young boy walks into camp and finds all the grown-ups cowering to this giant. If that were me I probably would have followed my elders and found a corner to hide in. But not David.

He immediately wants to know what’s being done about the situation. Not because he was big and bold, but because Goliath was disrespecting the Lord God. One of my favorite lines in this passage: “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Sam 17: 26 ESV)

David wants to know who has the gall to think he’s bigger and badder than the Almighty God. How dare someone come along and try to take the glory and praise that belongs to God.

You know how the story ends … Goliath is defeated, David is a hero and God is glorified. But how do we get there from that initial meeting?

How does David become a young man with a faith so bold and courageous that he takes on a fight that no one else around him would? How does David become so fearless?

Over the years I’ve faced some “Goliaths”. I often found myself cowering in a corner too afraid to do anything at all. Slowly though I found some courage and a little gumption and starting fighting my way through the fear so I could fight back.

I bet you could say the same thing. Do you have some Goliaths in your life that leave you a little afraid and unsure of the future?

Here are 4 steps you can take that will get you closer to feeling fearless in the face of storms:

📖 Consistent time in the WORD!
🙉 Take those unbiblical thoughts captive
⚔️🙏🏾 Wage war in prayer!
😴 Rest in God’s faithfulness

That first one, time in the Word is something we talked a lot about this summer. Here’s why that’s so important: scripture is where God reveals Himself. Our courage or fearlessness doesn’t come from us. . . it comes from God. If you want to walk through hard things assured that God is with you then you need to get to know Him.

David spent time with God even as a child. That is why he reacted the way he did when he heard Goliath’s taunts. He knew who Goliath was actually challenging (and he knew that God would be victorious).

Here’s my final question for you today: what would change about your life today if you thought like David? if you knew that victory was yours because of God.

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