Rediscovering Your Purpose: The Power of Remembering Your Why

Rediscovering Your Purpose: The Power of Remembering Your Why

Published Sep 12, 2023

By Tera Lind

As the crisp scent of autumn infuses the air and the flavors of apple cider and pie delight our taste buds, we are once again reminded of the enchanting season that lies ahead. The rustling leaves and the cozy embrace of soft sweaters announce the arrival of fall—a time of both delight and potential overwhelm. While there’s an abundance to adore about this season, it often brings with it a whirlwind of tasks and commitments, overshadowing the leisurely days of summer spent on porches and afternoon walks.

For me, the fall starts a new ministry season. Autumn signals a surge in responsibilities. My workload amplifies, weekly events increase, and my to-do lists seem to be stretched daily. The continuous flow of emails and the anticipation of upcoming events can easily cloud my perspective.

Whether we’re entering a busy work season, witnessing our kids embark on their school journeys, or stepping into a new chapter of life, I’ve discovered three simple words that hold the key to maintaining a balanced outlook:

Remember Your Why

Amidst the chaos of this season, “Remember Your Why” serves as a guiding light. It’s about reconnecting with the heart of why we embarked on our journey. In my case, navigating this active season in ministry entails rekindling my passion for connecting with individuals and fostering their connection with both God and each other. It’s about rejoicing in stories of marriages mending wounds and parents bonding over the unique challenges of raising children with special needs.

At the heart of it all lies my ultimate “why”: a profound sense of divine calling to serve within this ministry, within this church, among these women, and during this pivotal moment. Even as days extend and tasks accumulate, a proper perspective ensures that my heart remains brimming with purpose.

Whatever season you currently find yourself in, I encourage you to anchor your actions to your intrinsic “why”. Are you altering your daily habits to improve your well-being? Are you deliberately slowing down to savor life’s moments? Have you set boundaries or adopted new skills?

A practical takeaway is to articulate your “why” in words and place it somewhere prominent—whether that’s the dashboard of your car, your office desk, your bedroom wall, or the refrigerator door. Allow your eyes to absorb its message regularly, speak it out loud to yourself often, and surrender it to God.

As we embrace the onset of autumn, let’s fix our gaze on our ultimate purpose: eternity with our Lord and Savior. The choices we make today dictate our future, signaling us to lead lives of intentionality. And in this pursuit, my challenge to us all is to invite others to join us on this transformative journey.

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