Your 10

Your 10

Published Jun 23, 2020

By: Joyel Vandenboogart

Have you ever had one of those days where you didn’t want to get out of bed? Where you pushed the alarm over and over again? I have those more than I want to admit. To top it off, my daughter Leigha is an early riser. This girl is rip-roaring to go by 5:30 a.m. My mom joked with me that it was payback because I always was an early riser as well. Leigha will grab my arm and yell “Mom, Mom, Mom…” until I respond and answer whatever question may be next. Most of the time, it is “mom can you get me some cereal.” Oh, the joys of parenthood.

I have read a lot of books and a good handful of them talk about morning routines. How you can set your day out for the better by starting with a routine. Many of these books talk about gratitude and starting with an attitude of gratitude. Recently, I attended Jess Dennis webinar where she gave us a form to share 10 things we are thankful for. The order of these can change daily. I am thankful for family, even my early riser! I have started intentionally waking up early. To read, reflect and plan for my day. God has shown up in BIG ways during this time. Even when I don’t want to wake up or want to push snooze one more time I am reminded of the day before that was set for me. Covid has taken its toll on me and many others. The hugs, embrace, and compassion I definitely miss. We were made for community. We were made to do life together! In the good days and the bad days.

What are your 10 things? Take time to prioritize them today!

  1. Christ’s unconditional love
  2. Levi Jordan
  3. Leighanna Marie
  4. Lily Ann
  5. Family.
  6. A job I love.
  7. Friendships.
  8. Finances to bless other with.
  9. Church.
  10. Community.

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