The WORD is WONKY… By LaToya Edwards

The WORD is WONKY… By LaToya Edwards

Published Sep 20, 2021

The world is wonky these days. There seems to be more bad news every 5 minutes. Things are hard and stressful.

And that’s not even considering anything in your personal life.

Honestly, I’m emotionally exhausted and weary. I’ve been weeping for all the hurt and pain and just plain ugliness going on. It hurts my heart.

I turn off the news. Open my bible and talk to God. I ask Him my questions and share my secret worries. In the end I feel a little better, but the truth is that nothing has really changed.

And I don’t know that it’s going to get better any time soon.

I’m not trying to be a downer. Just honest. And scripture supports this fact — the world will get worse until God decides to come back and make things right.

As Christians we can either find peace in that truth or we can give into panic.

Too many of us are choosing panic these days. We have forgotten that our hope is in the God of Heaven and not fallible men/women here on earth.

Watching women walk around without hope is the reason I created the Courageous Woman program. I know God made us to be fearless faith filled warriors NOT worriers.

I cannot make your situation better. I cannot make the world make sense. But I can help you strengthen your faith and deepen your relationship with God so that these crazy times don’t run you over and leave you for dead.

I can help you think beyond the struggles and the pain. To dream of a life full of joy and peace.

You can be bold and courageous in the face of hard stuff! God’s got your back 🥰

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