Let it Die

Let it Die

Published Jun 15, 2022

By Christi Franzer

Have you ever had to watch a dream die? Did you wonder if God had fallen asleep during the whole crazy event? What if the dream was a good one and you felt God should be His amazing self and allow it to be? As I type this, I am watching a 24 yr marriage go up in flames. After putting all my energy and soul into trying to keep it alive it is dying on me as we speak.

I remember God showing me a picture of myself trying to revive a corpse. I was frantic in the vision. I was trying to the corps hooked up to the fluids as I was doing CPR. Crazy, right? I mean seriously, it was a skeleton. And I literally wasn’t letting up. Ask yourself if there are any corpses in your life that God has allowed to die, but you refuse to let go because your dream means more to you than God’s will. I know; I know you say, “God doesn’t will for people to divorce.” Well, God doesn’t will for people to stay in our sin either, but there we go rocking it!

There are alot of things God did not WILL but ALLOWED. Do you remember Joseph’s story? That was jacked up from a worldly perspective. Joseph, who was sitting in prison, had NO IDEA it would actually all turn out good in the end (Genesis 39). Or what about John the Baptist? You know Jesus’ cousin, who would end up dying young with his head on a platter (Matthew 14). God knows what we don’t. First of all, He is not ATTACHED to this world. He KNOWS the brokenness and the darkness that exists here, including the prince of darkness (Ephesians 6:12), and He would never want that for His people. He loves us too much for that. I believe He wants us to take the CPR mask off of all the things we BELIEVE we can not live without, and He is telling us that sucker is dead, wipe the dust from your feet, and move forward. Sometimes moving forward is actually more painful than staying in a no-win situation. The comfort of your pain is, at least, familiar.

However we have all power in heaven and on earth that resides in us (Matthew 28:18, 2 Corinthians 13:5). WE get to cast our anxiety on him because He cares for us (I Peter 5:7). We have CHOICES, and that was news to me!

Choose today whom you will serve: God or THE DREAM?! What was intended for evil God intended for good! Let go, cry over it, grieve it, and rest in the arms of the One freeing you from the bondage of the dream, so that you can live fully alive with Christ! Let it go, girl. God’s got a better dream for you!

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