Amazing. That’s You.

Amazing. That’s You.

Published Jun 20, 2023

By Gaye Lindfors

It’s so predictable. And it always makes me smile.
The Wheel of Fortune TV show.

When the contestants share who is with them in the audience, there are descriptors attached to the name with his or her role.
The spouses are always described as…
My incredibly beautiful wife, Helen.
My amazing husband, Floyd.

They are always, always, always described as beautiful or handsome or wonderful, etc. Gushingly.
In that nervous moment with millions of eyes on them, it’s not enough to just introduce them by name. They are presented as the best of the best.

(Of course, I can’t imagine anyone saying my not-very-attractive wife, Helen. Or my lousy husband, Floyd. Right?)

When the TV camera pans to Helen and Floyd during the introductions, they are beaming. Proud as peacocks and King and Queen for the Day.

They have been described as Special. Cared about. Important to Someone.
And someone else heard it.

Isn’t that what we all want in our own ways?
To know that someone singles us out to proclaim our awesomeness?

Maybe today your heart is wishing someone would notice you. Not to shout it out on national TV or headline the news with how wonderful you are, but more importantly, just acknowledge that you are seen. That you matter.

So. Lean in here. Listen …
There are so many times in the Bible that God tells you how much He cares for you. How important you are. That you are amazing.
BUT. It’s too easy to skim over those words. Perhaps you’ve heard them so often you don’t really hear them anymore. Or you think that God wrote the words for everybody else, certainly not for you.

Lean in even closer …
Stop listening to those lies that have hijacked your thinking, dear friend.
Let these words sink deep into those parts of your heart that feel unseen…

God says …
You are an incredible work of art. (Ephesians 2:10)
You are greatly loved. (Romans 5:8)
You are my treasured possession. (Deuteronomy 7:6)
You are the apple of my eye. (Psalm 17:8)

YOU are someone who is loved. Even when you don’t feel it.
YOU are someone who is gifted and talented. Even when you don’t see it.
YOU are someone who brings something special into this world. Even when you don’t know it.

Beautiful Helen and Amazing Floyd may get some good press on national TV, but the compliments they receive will be forgotten in moments.

YOU, on the other hand are acknowledged by a God who wrote pages and pages of love letters to you in His Holy Book. His Words last forever, read by millions every day. He would rather die for you than live without you. His love for you is perfect and knows no boundaries. He is always with you. He sees you.

God says you are a masterpiece.
If He had a fridge, your picture would be on it.

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