Even in Laughter

Even in Laughter

Published Jun 14, 2023

By Amanda Popp
Even in laughter a heart may be sad, 
and joy may end in grief.
Proverbs 14:13 
A face is easy to read, right? Some faces more than others {ahem. mine.}
Just because that face is easy to read, though, doesn’t mean the heart is. I mean, look at that cute smiling baby in the photo. Just because it’s the cheesiest little grin you see, doesn’t mean their diaper isn’t full of a “treat” for you to open. Their face is smiling…their heart is a wishing someone would just change the prize they left.
I know I’m making a really crazy example of that baby I know nothing about. But it’s true, isn’t it?!
Our face with a big smile can hide our heart of sadness. Our face with a big smile can hide our heart of hurt. Our face with a big smile can hide our heart of all the things.
Because of this, I think, it is SO important…EXTREMELY important…to KNOW each other. To truly know each other. To know the heart behind the smile and laughter. To know what makes that heart of theirs tick.
I think we can do that when we, ourselves, drop our own facades with people. When WE are willing to set down our shields we use to guard our heart, it can help provide the opportunity for others to do the same exact thing.
When we are real, open and vulnerable…it can encourage others to be the same.
We can provide safe spaces. Safe spaces for people to throw down their shields and leave their heart vulnerable. Vulnerable to share.
We can courageously have relationships with each other.
It might get messy.
But the messy waters are worth navigating.
Be courageous and step into the mess of someone’s heart and let them into your messy heart.
Because it’s through those messy messes that we bring God glory.

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