Summer Storms

Summer Storms

Published Jul 2, 2024

Hey, hi!

Life has been filled with summer sunshine, lots of laughter, and friendship connections. And, it’s also had its share of “bad weather” for people I care about.

This week my heart is thinking a lot about friends who are in the middle of some tough summer storms. The kind of storms that don’t end overnight.

If things are pretty stormy for you right now, please let these words encourage you.

If your days have some sunshine in them, would you please share this with a friend who needs to feel seen? Who needs to remember God’s promise today?

I’m praying for you – the reader and friend on the other side of the screen.
You are loved.


It’s when the storm reaches that fevered, frenzied pitch when you can’t take one more minute of its torment.
The summer storm in your heart.

Lightning that strikes like physical pain … jolts of electricity that are jarring, piercing, immobilizing.
Booming thunder from the sky that shakes your foundation … deafening, threatening noise that drowns out all other reasonable voices.
Rain that comes horizontal and hurts … sharp bits of water that slash the earth and puncture all protection.
Wind that pummels from every side … destroying your sense of balance and ability to stand upright.

It’s a storm.
And a tough one.

You’ve lost power. So much darkness.
You’ve lost energy. Nothing to plug into.
Uprooted trees and debris keep you from moving forward.

You’re Stuck. Stranded. Scared.

Dear Friend…
God knows about your summer storm.

He sees you huddled in the cellar hoping the roof doesn’t collapse.
He sees you standing in the slashing wind and rain, clenched fists and defiant heart, cursing the darkness, the noise, the pain.
He sees you scrambling in the blackness, tripping over life’s routine as you search for a flashlight that will pierce the darkness.

God is not standing outside the storm, hoping.
He has not dashed to a safe place for a change of dry clothes.

God is standing in the storm with you.
Bailing water.
Wrapping you in the rain slicker.
Carrying the flashlight.

Calming the storm.
The summer storm in your heart.

“Is anyone crying for help?
God is listening, ready to rescue you.
If your heart is broken,
you’ll find God right there;
if you’re kicked in the gut,
he’ll help you catch your breath.”
(Psalm 34:17-18 MSG)

Ask God to meet you in your storm. He will.
Then look for the rainbow.

God is faithful…

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