Biblical Hope

Biblical Hope

Published Mar 9, 2021

By Joyel Vandenboogart

Optimism chooses to see how circumstances could work out for the best. What is Biblical hope? It is not based on circumstances, but rather the evidence at the end of the story. In the Bible, the Israel prophet Micah lived during injustice and evil but trusted and looked to God for his hope. There are many stories in the Bible that you see people choose to hope even when faced with difficult circumstances where there seems no evidence that things are going to improve.

Do you need to cut through all the noises of all around you that are stifling the truth that God is trying to give you? When you pray, will you trust and love that the soil will change, that the seeds are being planted and eventually God is going to break through and spring forth new life? Do not underestimate the power of obedience and hope in the midst of pain. Will you continue to seek crucial, hope-filled, biblical truths that no matter what the next minute or day holds that God is in control.

At a dear friend’s funeral, the pastor preached on Hope and he asked, “Where is Hope?” In tragedy, loss and confusion, it is hard to find the hope that we so desperately need. He responded with, “right where it has always been between Faith and Love.” In 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.”  Will you remember to Hope even when the situations feel hopeless? Do not let the enemy diminish your value or your breakthrough. Beneath the surface there is a Hope and God is in control. No matter what you feel remember that God is in control. Will you put your Hope in His promises rather than your own promises? Walk in faith knowing that the little seed can be part of the greater story He is writing.

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