Stress, Laughter, & Our Good Shepherd

Published May 14, 2024

I love laughing, and I believe everyone does too. Last week was International Moment of Laughter Day – April 14th. One of my favorite types of jokes is when children unintentionally say something funny. Here’s an example:   “A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages […]

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It’s Never Too Messy or Too Late

Published May 7, 2024

By Gaye Lindfors  Do you ever wonder if your mess is too big? If relationships are too broken? If it’s too late? Wondering if God could ever transform your heart or change your life? I bet most of us have been there. When my own not-so-good choices and hurts and tough situations threaten my belief […]

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Furniture Restoration

Published Apr 16, 2024

By Lisa Garnett  Have you ever felt like you can’t keep anything nice? That seems to be the story of my life. But I saw a magazine headline recently that said, “Restoration & Renewal,” which made me think about my house and furniture, but also my life. I was cleaning and dusting the other day […]

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Tired of the Same Routine? Take Your Workout Outside!

Published Apr 9, 2024

By Michele Batz If you are new to fitness and just beginning a workout routine, it is helpful to keep it light and fun. There’s no better way to do that than to work out in the great outdoors. Here are eight ways to get an effective workout outside of the gym and in your […]

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Around Midnight and 5:00 AM

Published Mar 26, 2024

By Gaye Lindfors We read this in Acts 16:25 … “Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God [from prison], and the other prisoners were listening.” Here’s what my version might look like … “Around 5:00 am, Gaye was fretting and whining her worries to God [from the comfort of her cozy chair], and the […]

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